Susie Shubert

Author, Presenter, Tarot Advisor, and graduate of the school of rock.

Inspiring you to make everyday Magic

I am...

  • a self-starter who jumps right into things that interest me: Manuals be damned.
  • someone who will always be lured by anything that glitters or creeps. (except spiders.)
  • a very strange mix of pragmatic + woo.
  • someone who believes that everything must have meaning and purpose, even if that purpose is only to delight me for a day.
  • a huge Lord of the Rings nerd.
  • someone who loves nothing more than witnessing a woman reconnect, rediscover and reclaim themselves because they answered their Call of the Wild.

Check Out my Books and Calendars!

What I do

I write!

Lifestyle books, calendars and planners, blogs, content for the fabulous Modern Prairie community… I do love to participate in the written word–and encouraging you to do so as well!

I Work with the Tarot!

Although the tarot certainly inspires us to connect to our own brand of spirituality, I love to work with these cards as an incredible self-development tool to help you create practical magic in your everyday life. 

Amplify Tarot

Wanna Live Life Louder as your elemental self?

Subscribe and receive your free copy of my
Amplify Tarot guide!