helping you manifest everyday magic

Heavy metal divas (and lots of hairspray!) of Warbride! (I'm the upper middle)
Me and the dudes in The Charm School Dropouts

the call of the wild

This is what I call that ping, that inner voice, that something that calls out to you—often seemingly out of nowhere. I’d say my creative wanderlust started when I decided to leave college after one year of studying jazz vocal at the University of Miami because I had decided that “I didn’t need a degree to be a rock star.”

Soon after, I left the midwest area I called home to pursue this dream in Hollywood, California. Two bands, lots of gigs, too many bad boys and not enough soul connections later, I realized that even if I had ‘made it’, I wouldn’t be happy living that full-yet-empty life. I heard a different call– not as wild as a rock and roll summoning shout, but a mysterious whisper of knowing that was just as unchartered, if not even more frightening; I was listening to my inner Self and what it knew needed to happen, even though I had no idea where it would lead me.

Paging Dr. Martha Beck...

I believe this profound understanding truly peeked my interest in helping others find and connect with their authentic selves, and that is what led to my pursuit of a certification in life coaching.

I’m proud to say I received my education from the incredible Dr. Beck. As a world-renowned coach who is also a Harvard-trained sociologist, her brilliant mind spoke to my highly pragmatic one, which wasn’t quite sure how I felt about a lot of the fluffy positivity that seems to come with the life coaching territory. Plus, she has a wicked sense of humor which is always a requisite in my book!

Coaching for the Collective

The Call of the Wild is strong in me, my friends, and what started as a one-on-one life coaching practice has led me to use those skills through my writing as a published author, in speaking and teaching engagements, through podcasting, writing, and creating content, and my work as a tarot advisor. Whew!

Tarot for Writers

After a well-timed ‘what-the-heck’ tarot reading I was inspired to finally allow my pragmatic self to connect with my intuitive magical side that had always tugged at my pant leg. Since raising my white flag and surrendering to the pull of reading the tarot, I continue to be amazed at the effects and changes I’ve witnessed in myself and the many others I’ve worked with.

I’ve always seen the tarot as an incredibly creative tool for self-discovery, and when someone requested a card reading for the character of the story they were writing, I knew I’d found my ‘Wild.’ Since then I’ve devised a method for “Creating Compelling Characters with the Court Cards of the Tarot,” and continue to explore the incredible ways this unique modality can motivate and inspire creative writing. I’ve seen first-hand how tarot inspires new ideas for a sticking point in a story, breathes new life into one that’s been ‘on the shelf,’ and can even introduce a brand spankin’ new idea! Getting to know your character is fun and easy when they can answer your questions through the cards. 

As the tarot has a way of breaking down the walls we build around our subconscious to get at our elemental self, using it as a creative muse is a powerful way to relax your over-thinking mind, allowing it to play and let the ideas flow.
