On My Mind

Here’s where I share my thoughts, tarot musings, and anything else that I feel like sharing. Whether I can help you learn something new, inspire you in some way, make you smile or simply make you FEEL…that’s my goal. 

The Suz News

My Unexpected Journey continues… I know, this looks like a dude, but I liked the visual, so there it is. Wow, it’s been a minute!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Get Your News here! My friends, so many things are rockin’ and rollin’ over here so I thought I’d better keep you up with the

Turn it Up With the Tarot!

Want to expand your horizons? I often say that we are all on an unexpected journey. Navigating this thing we call life in a direction

Tell a Story with Tarot

A Story within a Story As you know, one of the things I love most about the tarot is how it’s such a helpful tool

Thriving in the Wild

Spring is (almost) here! At least that what the calendar tells me. If you are here in Minneapolis, you may think otherwise, as we just