Winter Solstice – Darkness to Light

Dark and Cold, You?

As I sit looking out my window at the incredible winter wonderland that’s blowing around out there, where it’s almost dusk, and the snow is falling in big flakes as it whitens the sky…it’s easy to get into the magic of the Solstice vibe.

Tonight will be the longest night of the year, and the darkest. The Solstice invites us to peer into that darkness.

That can be a scary thing for a lot of us. We’ve always been afraid of the dark, or at least we’ve been conditioned to be. That’s where the monsters are, where we can’t see what could be lurking in some dark corner.

When we turn on the light or dare ourselves to go into the dark with only a candle, we eventually see that the shape that looks like a ghoul is the outline of a jacket hanging on a hook. There isn’t anything under the bed but some scary dust bunnies. 

The scariest part of the dark is what we imagine to be there. Once we shed light on it, even if it still looks monstrous, we are facing it, sizing it up, and coming up with a plan around how we will deal with it. When we refuse to investigate, that shape stays in the dark, and unknown, and we are always on edge. We are often making things to be worse than they are.

I wanted to get this reading out earlier in the day for you, but my day got crazy–hopefully, you will open this and be able to think about it during our long night. Even if you’re reading this tomorrow, or months from now…I believe this reading will be helpful. Unfortunately, we will always be dealing with darkness! As above, so below!!

What is best left in the dark?

The Seven of Wands, the Ace of Swords, The Tower. There has been an upheaval in your life that you may still be reeling from. What happened and the repercussions of it have been the root of the darkness in your life as of late; everything stems from this event. New ideas you’ve tried to bring to fruition have yet to go far, or at least it’s been a struggle to be seen and heard. You’re tired. It’s time to acknowledge what you’ve been through, give it some love, and move on. Whether it’s a physical, career, or emotional upheaval–whether it’s brought down your status or your faith–what’s done is done, and now it’s time to build up that crumbled foundation. 

What wants to come into the light?

The Eight of Cups, The Queen of Wands, The Star. There is always hope! Embrace my favorite saying: Things don’t happen for a reason, they happen for an opportunity. If you can keep your eyes on the skies and focus on your north star, you can keep going. Remember, the Tower was struck by a bolt of light. That’s exciting! That’s a chance to do something new! Embrace your Queen of Wands Self–the social butterfly (yes, even if you’re an introvert and your version of that is getting together with one other person for a quiet night in), bolster your confidence, step up in there and move forward. You’ve got ideas, you’ve got plans, and you want to share those with others. But there is something you need to walk away from first. It may not be easy, but you know it to be true. You may be heading out a bit into the unknown, but the light is waiting for you there.

Who and What can help you with this transition?

The Knight of Cups, Death. Oooh, the rebel in me loves that we got the Death card–believe it or not, it’s one of my faves! My friend, it’s time to give something a good death. This Something has served you well–whether in a kind way or in a way that made you stronger–but it’s time to let it go.

The Knight of Cups is telling me that this could be a love relationship–however, although this knight is very much about romance, he’s not always about commitment. Maybe you need more. Perhaps they’ve been a friend with benefits, but that’s not enough for you anymore.

If whatever you are transitioning from does not feel as though it’s in the relationship category or a romance that is best to say goodbye to…there could be a dashing young masculine presence coming into your life that may HELP you put an end to whatever it is that needs to go away. This could be with romance–like a refreshing booty call or the blossoming of what could turn into something more serious down the road– or it could be a dashing personal assistant that will swoop in on their white horse to make your life easier. (and remember…knights can identify as women, too…it’s more about feminine or masculine energy. If someone is a task master, that’s masculine energy right there.)

What may be in the shadow that you need to embrace?

The Knight of Cups, Death. Oooh, the rebel in me loves that we got the Death card–believe it or not, it’s one of my faves! My friend, it’s time to give something a good death. This Something has served you well–whether in a kind way or in a way that made you stronger–but it’s time to let it go.

The Knight of Cups is telling me that this could be a love relationship–however, although this knight is very much about romance, he’s not always about commitment. Maybe you need more. Perhaps they’ve been a friend with benefits, but that’s not enough for you anymore.

If whatever you are transitioning from does not feel as though it’s in the relationship category or a romance that is best to say goodbye to…there could be a dashing young masculine presence coming into your life that may HELP you put an end to whatever it is that needs to go away. This could be with romance–like a refreshing booty call or the blossoming of what could turn into something more serious down the road– or it could be a dashing personal assistant that will swoop in on their white horse to make your life easier. (and remember…knights can identify as women, too…it’s more about feminine or masculine energy. If someone is a task master, that’s masculine energy right there.)

So now what?

As I often prescribe, do some free-writing about it! Take some quiet moments to reflect on the last time you felt really satisfied and happy with life. What was happening? How can you bring some of that back? Remember…other people don’t get you happiness. They may help with the ambiance, but you are the one who sets the stage. How else can you experience love? Excitement? How can you celebrate simply being you, the new year, a new chance to start over and do something cool? 

If you know me, you know I’m not a big one on New Year’s Resolutions. I prefer thinking about how I want to FEEL versus what I want to ensure I DO over the next year. Things can get in the way of our goals–sometimes our goals change, sometimes life throws a wrench in our plans and we have no control over it. (Hello COVID??) 

I’m going to be talking about our Word of the Year–how we can settle on one and how to use it throughout the year. And since I’m all about bringing the tarot into it to kick things up a notch, I’m sure a card or two will make an appearance as well! Stay tuned to my socials and my newsletter…this will be happening over at Modern Prairie, my new home-away-from-home!

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