The Suz News

My Unexpected Journey continues… I know, this looks like a dude, but I liked the visual, so there it is. Wow, it’s been a minute! As you know, I’ve been traveling the trail of discovery as I navigate my journey with my newly-published book, Little House Life Hacks. This has certainly taken up my time […]

Ask Yourself Why

Your Why I love how, over at Modern Prairie, we started this new year by focusing on intention. YOUR intention. In the What’s Your Word workshop I led, I spoke about how often New Year’s Resolutions are ineffective because they focus more on checking the box next to some goal you’re trying to accomplish or […]

Winter Solstice – Darkness to Light

Dark and Cold, You? As I sit looking out my window at the incredible winter wonderland that’s blowing around out there, where it’s almost dusk, and the snow is falling in big flakes as it whitens the sky…it’s easy to get into the magic of the Solstice vibe. Tonight will be the longest night of […]