The Suz News

My Unexpected Journey continues… I know, this looks like a dude, but I liked the visual, so there it is. Wow, it’s been a minute! As you know, I’ve been traveling the trail of discovery as I navigate my journey with my newly-published book, Little House Life Hacks. This has certainly taken up my time […]
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Get Your News here! My friends, so many things are rockin’ and rollin’ over here so I thought I’d better keep you up with the latest! My co-author Angie and I are so excited, the release date of Little House Life Hacks is right around the corner! The book will be hitting shelves on August […]
Turn it Up With the Tarot!

Want to expand your horizons? I often say that we are all on an unexpected journey. Navigating this thing we call life in a direction that will lead where you want to go starts with exploration, discovery, inspiration, and intention. There are a lot of tools that help you get in touch with different feeling […]
Thriving in the Wild

Spring is (almost) here! At least that what the calendar tells me. If you are here in Minneapolis, you may think otherwise, as we just got DUMPED on with 9 more inches of snow. Heavy sigh. But! The temps are slowly rising, the snow is melting. I can’t wait to get back out for my […]
Well, Hello There!

Welcome to my new site!! New year, new site. It always feels good to refresh, doesn’t it? Let’s celebrate with some donuts! And honestly, I didn’t plan on the auspicious timing of it all–my life’s just been kind of like that these days. There’s a lot of great stuff going on–allow me to catch you […]